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Old 05-15-2002, 11:01 AM   #2
neither here nor there
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 179
I don't see these two ideas as being mutually incompatible..perhaps out of desperation the impossible dream of defeating the Israeli coloniser seems a possibility.

Don't you think it just a little bit likely that if a person could live a life free of IDF harassment, if a person could feel more than a second class citizen in his own country, then that person might be less likely to carry out something as mad turning themselves into a human bomb.

The Palestinians have been getting a rough deal from no end of people, but mostly the Israelis, for over fifty years, it is hardly surprising if the extremists in their camp are wining the hearts and minds..In my opinion any argument that goes along the lines they started bombing us worse when we started talking peace to them, so we shouldn't talk peace to them is sick.
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