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Old 03-01-2005, 10:47 AM   #13
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ok, before we get too far, let's acknowledge that
A) if you have already made up your mind that christianity is a farce, then absolutely no study in the world will convince you otherwise.
B) if you have decided that christianity is the real deal, then likewise, no study will convince you otherwise.

all new information we see has to be filtered through our own preconceived beliefs and skepticism. i've recently been reading The Case For Christ by Lee Sobelman. it is written in an interview format, using experts in their respective fields to establish whether or not Christ existed and if so, was He divine. While reading it i was struck with the idea that, although i'm ok with this study and publication, if i had already decided against the existence of Christ i would probably just write the study off as BS. - in the same way that i'm skeptical of projects such as the one that started this thread.

having an open mind is an extremely difficult thing to do.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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