Thread: Why?
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Old 02-24-2005, 11:29 PM   #18
changed his status to single
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Right behind you. No, the other side.
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well, love is pain and pain is love. who can cause you pain if you do not hold some degree of love for them? really. if you care nothing about a persons regard for you how can their thoughts, words, actions cause you pain? and if you don't hold much stock in their thoughts, words, actions - do you hold love for them?

for me? i consider my reason for existence to be my son. in mymind i am here to raise him to be a better man than i can ever hope to be. to paraphrase a certain Mr Pacino - i always new the right path, but i have invariably chosen the wrong one. i hope to raise my son to be a better man. a better human.

beyond that i hope to brighten someone's day. may that be my assistant who has no living family, my son who has no other father, my parents who have no other son, the man on the corner who i bought lunch, my client who lost his wife to a sudden illness... someone. everyday.

i don't believe in ka, karma, or luck. i do believe that there is a certain point where all credibility is shot. i believe there comes a point where "i" can no longer be the one to make a difference. i believe my actions have a consequence. i believe there comes a point where i can no longer be used in a truly meaningful way - so i must hope to impact the lives of those that have not passed that mile marker, whatever it may be.

that is what i believe.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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