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Old 02-24-2005, 09:09 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Favorite Magazines (past and present)...

What are your favorite magazines currently and which ones did you enjoy in the past that either you lost interest in for some reason or is no longer published?

My two current favorite magazines are Men's Health and 2600.

Men's Health has tons of short and to-the-point articles and info so I can read it in whatever time I have available whether its 30 seconds or 30 minutes. And it passes the acid test: I keep the old ones. I think its the best "guy" mag out there.

2600 is a hacker mag and I don't understand about half of it (I'm not really interested in actually hacking anything) but its very interesting. Its also very political and while its very liberal, I find much common ground in its positions against government intrusion. Its only the 2nd mag I have ever subscibed to (only because its hard to find - not available anywhere and tends to sell out quickly).

Growing up, I read Omni religiously but, around 1980 or so, it went the way of Albert Bell so I quit reading it.
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