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Old 02-21-2005, 08:08 PM   #14
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 657
Originally Posted by Undertoad
Silly, I don't eat human flesh!
Uhhh, never said you did.

Apparently you don't get it, so I'll explain. My comment was in reference to the fact that a diet based on fatty animal products (as this "study" seems to recommend) has been shown to cause clogging of the arteries, and therefore result in heart attacks--any doctor will tell you that.

But hey, if that's how you want to lead your life, go for it. I could personally care less. I would, however, never make the statement that all meat-eaters are stupid--it's not true, and it would offend people. Too bad you and TS think it's OK to slam a group of people based on a biased "study" and your own ignorance. Who's next, UT? Blacks and gays? Or maybe Jews and Muslims? No, probably not. Vegans are a much easier target, aren't they?

And Skunks--cool that you're planning on doing the veg thing! I had a REALLY hard time giving up milk chocolate, so I understand your wanting to hang on to it! Hope it works for ya--it can be a challenge, but I really think it's worth the effort...
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