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Old 02-21-2005, 07:42 PM   #9
I thought I changed this.
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: western nowhere, ny
Posts: 412
It seems to me that the logic of the study is:

- These African children who do not eat meat are malnourished.
- If you feed them a token amount of meat regularly, they perform better in school compared to the ones who don't. Milk or oil works, too, but not as well.

From which you can draw the conclusions that "their diet is not good" and "adding stuff to it helps." But I get lost when they decide that the only way to have a good diet is with meat. The case would be a good big stronger if any time had been devoted to comparing reasonable alternatives to meat (oil and milk are mentioned, yeah; but quantities and types aren't, and aside from all the fun "omega-3 this" and "polyunsaturated fat that" stuff, you're certainly going to get more out of milk or meat than a dollop of straight oil.)


garnet: I don't consider myself a vegan, but I've taken to spending some time around a few of them, and cooking for them on occasion. After I move next month, I plan on making feta and milk chocolate the only overtly non-vegan food items in my life.

Last edited by Skunks; 02-21-2005 at 07:45 PM.
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