Thread: Philosophism
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Old 02-17-2005, 05:51 PM   #87
Brown Thrasher
self=proclaimed ass looking for truth whatever that means
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Posts: 193
Originally Posted by lookout123
that isn't what passive aggressive means. it refers to someone who prefers not to enter direct confrontation so they make little rabbit punches at the opposition while maintaining a friendly smile and insisting that they have no problem.

That's really not how a passive aggresive person reacts. Actully the behavior is quite ambiguous, meaning the person is actively passive and aggressive at the same time. They may not be openly confrontational. However, they do exibit their hostility without a smile.......Actually, that was the reason for using that term. I'm not usually actively cnfrontational, but I do show my displeasure at the same time as many cellarites do......
You ever notice the little rabbit punches by cellarites followed by a smile symbol.
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