Thread: Philosophism
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Old 02-17-2005, 12:39 PM   #83
Brown Thrasher
self=proclaimed ass looking for truth whatever that means
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: A treehouse
Posts: 193
Originally Posted by lookout123
on second thought...

statements like these make people want to lend less weight to your opinions - you come off as stuffy and full of yourself. have you ever met someone and walked away thinking "wow, that guy thinks his poo doesn't stink?" that is what you often sound like in your posts.
your opinions are valid here, as are everyone else's. don't treat your ideas as holy writ in an argument and other posters will be more inclined to do the same with theirs.

Similar personalities? There is a pretty wide assortment of individuals here. Faith-wise we range from atheists, agnostics, pagans, catholics, protestants, and probably just about everything else you can think of. politically - there are republicans, democrats, libertarians, independents, socialists, maybe aanarchist or two. age wise we've got younguns at 16 and those of a certain age as well. i'd say there are a variety of folks in the cellar.

and so we return to the idea that those who look at the same input that you do, but arrive at a different output are somehow less intelligent. that isn't a very open minded approach to discussion, IMO.
You did not adress the idea of reading replies to my post. I don't think my opions on a subject has ever been declared as "holy Writ" by me. However, I have heard arguments on most subjects, where the debaters considered their opions to be the correct argument. If I come off as "stuffy" and full of myself, I apologize. And I promise you, I have no doub't about my "poo" stinking... I have no doub't there are many different ages, cultures, religion, etc. of folks in the cellar. I was not talking about age, religion, etc...., when discussing personality. A great deal of people including myself; have personality traits which are often considered troublesome. For example, I consider myself passive aggresive, which means I am a passive person:until I feel I've been wronged. When I feel I've been treated unfairly< I become agressive. At least I am able to admitt this. I apologize to anyone, I have called narcissistic, but that is exactly what you are referring too when calling me down. As I have said before, for the most part, I don't go after others unless i feel wronged or threatned. This site has been going on much longer than I have been involved. If you go to some previous post to my arrival, I think you will see what I'm talking about. I assure you my arguments are of the inductive nature...... Sir, I don't think calling others less intelligent as I, one of my calling cards. I agree there are very inteligent people on the cellar. Again, if you take the time to look, I think yo will find this to be true......
Let it rain, it eases pain.....
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