Thread: Abortion Debate
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Old 02-16-2005, 11:20 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by jaguar
There's a heck of a lot less debate about whether pumping someone full of lead is killing them than (at the bottom end) whether using something like RU486 is murder. You shoot a living, breathing person, they die, it's fairly straightforward. Is 16 cells a life? 100? 1000?
Well, the flames are licking at the walls of this doomed thread so I'm pretty much done here. i save my overly defensive name calling posts for tw.

Jag - i wasn't comparing shooting a soldier and aborting a child. i was talking about people who display the need to couch unfortunate, unpleasant actions in euphamistic terms. that is a pet peeve of mine.

"eliminating an enemy combatant" - call it what it is - Killing a person

"terminating a pregnancy" to me has the same ring to it.

mind you, i support the right to choose i just don't like all the justifications that seem to go along with it. admit what is really happening.

*********hey look - the ceiling seems to be about to cave in on this thread*********
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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