Thread: Abortion Debate
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Old 02-15-2005, 10:09 PM   #169
Junior Master Dwellar
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Originally Posted by 6sickchix
You keep prefacing what appear to be statements of fact with "it's my opinion," but as soon as I pointed out something, referring to it as your opinion, and not a fact, you were quick to say that no, it was actually a fact, and not your opinon.

In case you forgot:

You: "Yes, I killed my unborn child" than to say "Yes, I terminated a parasitic relationship." Both mean the same thing.
Me: They don't mean the same thing to everyone.
You: Yes, they do mean the same thing.

This doesn't seem to be you saying that it is your opinion that they mean the same thing. It appears that you are implying that they do, factually, mean the same thing.
From Merriam-Webster:
a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

I guess, in a way, my opinion is my perception of fact. That doesn't mean it's your perception or that we have to agree or that I'm always right.

So you're right. My opinion is that saying "I killed my unborn baby" IS the same thing as "I terminated a parasitic relationship." You don't have to hold to that opinion, and obviously you don't. But until you bring forward evidence to change my mind, that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

posted by Jinx
Where as you couch it in term to make yourself feel worse? It's more ok to have an abortion if you beat yourself up a lot afterwards? I don't get it.
That's not what I'm saying.

Some people have no problem with multiple abortions as a form of birth control. Some people don't hold the same beliefs I do. And that's ok. What I'm saying is that my beliefs say that killing an unborn baby is wrong (with limited exceptions) and that whatever YOU may call it, I call it a baby. So to me, it is indeed, "killing an unborn baby".

posted by Jaguar
There's a heck of a lot less debate about whether pumping someone full of lead is killing them than (at the bottom end) whether using something like RU486 is murder. You shoot a living, breathing person, they die, it's fairly straightforward. Is 16 cells a life? 100? 1000?
I believe life starts at conception. If left alone, those cells mature into a human baby.

posted by Garnet
No, that's just how radical pro-lifers like to portray anyone who is in favor of legalized abortion. Yup, we're all evil and our goal in life is to kill every baby we can get our hands on. Hide the kids, everyone! Hurry!
And of course, all pro-lifers are radical, and overgeneralize like you just did.

I am staunchy pro-choice, because my morals should not be the standard for all women. It SHOULD be the individual woman's choice, guided by her morals and her beliefs. At the end of the day, she and her baby are the ones who have to live or die in the consequence of that choice.

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Last edited by OnyxCougar; 02-15-2005 at 10:13 PM.
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