Thread: Abortion Debate
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Old 02-15-2005, 09:49 PM   #167
Junior Master Dwellar
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Originally Posted by Undertoad
Similarly, some people see a pile of plywood and nails and call it a pile of plywood and nails, but OC calls it a house.

being an ass and i know it
?? WTF?

How can a pile of plywood and nails be compared to an unborn child?

A pile of plywood and nails can be shaped into any structure, while a human baby, barring severe abnormalities causing miscarriage, if left unkilled, will ALWAYS come out to be a human baby.

That was a dumb analogy, UT. And people need to stop "thinking" for me. "OC calls it this" and "OC thinks that". I don't do it to you. Please offer me the same respect.

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