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Old 02-11-2005, 06:13 PM   #13
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 99
Nuclear weapons ..

The scary parts about the nuclear programs are ...

1. The W-54, one man nuclear weapon .. it only weighs 50 pounds .. but did you see the pics of the destructive result??

I could just imagine Muslim terrorists dreaming and planning, of how they can get hold of one ...

"Brothers in Allah .. just one, is all we need! .. to be in Paradise with 72 virgins, in an instant!!" ..

Also .. in the military classification list, known as FSC's (Federal Supply Classes) .. there are 14 types of nuclear weapons listed .. including the cute items such as ..

"1095 - Miscellaneous Weapons'' .. (uh-huh .. that one over there, is just a miscellaneous nuke .. mmm??) ..

"1120 - Nuclear depth charges .. the mind boggles .. they need a Nuke to nail a sub??? ) ..

"1125 - Nuclear demolition charges .. the mind boggles again .. "What are we scorching today, Sarge??" .. "Oh, I think we'll just blow Washington off the face of the map, to deny any usefulness to the enemy" .. (hmm .. maybe not such a bad idea .. .. )

2. What about the tests they didn't .. or maybe couldn't .. photograph??
Has anyone heard about the nuclear tests made in outer space, in the early 60s, via the space program rockets??

3. Does anyone realise that the U.S. Govt still spends US$96 million a DAY .. yes .. US$96 million .. of which 2/3rds is spent on operation and maintenance of the nuclear arsenal?

The rest is spent on cleanup, (including weapon dismantling and storage of dangerous components) .. arms control verification, and ballistic missile defense research ..
Illiterate??? - Not a problem! Write today for more information!! ....
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