Thread: Philosophism
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Old 02-11-2005, 03:02 AM   #10
to live and die in LA
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Dunlavy, I'll quit jumping up your ass when you start making sense.

“Doubt Everything”. Really? You want to doubt everything? Ok, start by doubting that chair you’re sitting in will hold you up, that the roof won’t fall in, that somebody isn’t standing behind you with a knife, that the whole world isn’t just 2 minutes old but pre-programmed with mass memories so that we believe to have thousands of years of human history. What’s the problem?

“Spread Knowledge”. What is knowledge, if everything is dubious?

“Gather people who believe different things without accusation”. What if the things I believe are inherently contradictory to the things you believe? The mere fact of my holding them is a passive accusation that your beliefs are false. I think the only way you can concoct this ecumenical wonderland is if the only people you let into your circle are people who really don’t believe anything at all.

“What I believe is something I created”. Why believe it? If you know that some particular idea, thesis, tenet, principle, whatever, has no grounding in reality, and is only based on your creative intuition, why believe it at all? If I create a belief that pink bunnies will one day usher in a utopian socialist paradise if we worship them, what possible reason could I have for thinking it’s true? Ask wolf what we call self-created beliefs held by people that have no grounding in reality.

Here’s why this gets my goad; I think I know what you really mean. What you meant to say is, “These things that people believe can’t really be true, so let’s see if we can get them all together in a room and pick and choose, buffet style, the things we like from each of them and assemble them together in a sort of cold bouillabaisse that manages to believe everything and nothing at all.”

Only you don’t know it well enough to say it.
to live and die in LA
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