Thread: Philosophism
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Old 02-10-2005, 12:53 AM   #2
to live and die in LA
Join Date: Feb 2003
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As a helpful service to the Cellar community, I'll translate:

Originally Posted by Dunlavy
Yeah, something I created myself. I don't care much for other religions. I'm neither Agnostic, nor am I Atheist, but I enjoy the beliefs I have now, and I call it Philosophism.
I haven't read Joseph Campbell, Kant, Descartes, or Derrida, so I'm going to assume that I've created this assume thing that nobody has ever thought of that's a contradictory ad hoc mix of radical skepticism and spiritual pluralism

Within every religion, there is a large amount of people who view it as facts, or like to start arguments, taking what they've learned in those religions to be fact, and it annoyed me for A long time.
Within these belief systems, there are like, these people who like, believe the stuff that the belief system is tied to believing in. Like, they really believe it! Don't you hate that?

So, here it is, Philosophism. A somewhat religion/belief that is based on the constant questioning of the world around it, even the questioning of this religion/belief itself. A way to gather those of different beliefs and share without accusation, but more a way to spread knowledge and to think about the world around them.
As I said before, I hate it when people believe stuff, and get all superior about it because they, like believe stuff. I am superior to them, because I believe that everything should be doubted, which is an inherently better belief than the beliefs of all those other people. They should be more like me, and believe what I believe, that everything should be doubted.

~Nothing is a fact, all is to be questioned~
Which I will state simply, and elegantly, as an unquestionable fact.

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to live and die in LA
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