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Old 01-31-2005, 02:08 PM   #44
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 3,338
My answer for the toilet seat issue is not for everyone.

I used to lift the seat for urination. Once I got my Prince Albert piercing, I have to sit too. Take your husband to the piercing salon and tie him to the chair. Trust me on that last bit. Give it six weeks to heal and he'll be fully trained to sit. Or else have a lot of shoes (or socks, natch) with piddle puddles on them.

Oh, and YOU will enjoy the piercing too. Or so I'm told. Every woman who has test-driven mine has had high praise for the (painful) procedure.

It only hurts for a few minutes. Bandages can come off after 24-48 hours. Let heal for six weeks. "It" probably won't come out to play in that time anyway. But when it does...HOO BOY!


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