Thread: Atkins Snacks
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Old 01-27-2005, 11:36 AM   #33
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
Stacey, this is the wrong thread for my comment, but I can't help myself: Why not study nutrition and become a nutritionist for a hospital? That pays pretty durn good.
That's what I was in college for, but then I started at my current job and I was WAY too stressed out trying to work and go to school at the same time, so I dropped out. I'm not so into it anymore, but I still have all this info in my head, so I use it when appropriate, but I don't really feel like trying to counsel anyone on their diet for a living.

It drives me crazy that someone will come to me for help, I'll try really hard to give them good advice, do research for them, take a lot of effort and time to get them on the right track, and then one week later they're eating twinkies and washing them down with soda. I don't want any part of trying to control anyone's eating habits. It's way too frustrating and pretty much impossible. If someone really wanted to make a change, it's SO easy to get the information, they just need to motivate themselves to use it, and I'm not God, I can't do that for them.
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