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Old 01-25-2005, 06:11 PM   #14
Touring the facilities
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The plains of Colorado
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That's some great advice, OC. Thank you for taking the time to go through all that.

The religious organization is not a church, per se. It is just a group of people who get together every other day (it seems) and talk about the bible. That's what I gather from it, anyway. But, the entire religious group they belong to is disappointed in how that family has handled this whole situation. I know the lawyer she has, and if she didn't get him really cheap, she got ripped off. Her dad is known for unloading empty threats. I don't put it past them, however, to try and mess up Bf's life.

One other thing I forgot to mention is that Bf knows for a fact that this family has had and probably still has several illegal weapons and has been party to a number of fraudulent incidents. I know it is low to bring that into it, but maybe we have to fight dirty when dealing with a corrupt system.

On the loan idea...yeah, we are trying that, too. Unfortunately, both of us have ridiculously bad credit. We are still trying, though.

I say we fight fight fight, until there is no more fighting to do. Even if we don't win, at least we both know we tried to do right by the children.

Bf's unemployment is actually running up soon. He is enrolled in school full time and will be attending law school in the next couple of years. I know they view that as a good reason not to be employed here in Colorado...or at least from what I have seen. Still, the ex has told us several times that she will not be working and be home with the kids (her 2 and her fiancees 3). I can't honestly believe she can actually maintain a job from home with 5 children. That's even more reason they should not be in her care.

So, yes, we understand this is, unfortunately for us and the kids, an uphill battle. Much of her lies can be proven by email (I don't know if that helps). Also, he has been paying to the state and they pay her.

He was going to wave child support from her, if he ended up with them full-time. Would that hurt him in court?

I have talked with her once on the phone a while back and once I sent her a scathing email telling her what a miserable excuse for a mother she is for using her children the way she does. The email was last summer, I think. Other than that, I don't talk to her. I know I will lose my temper if I do.
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