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Old 01-18-2005, 05:17 PM   #11
lobber of scimitars
Join Date: Jul 2001
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Stacy, you've got a bunch of different things that are going on and impacting you ... stress is cumulative over time. You might not be in the midst of a crisis point now, but your body and brain chemistry can react as though you are.

I'm a big proponent of folks getting an uninvolved professional third party ... find a therapist, who may also choose to refer you to a psychiatrist to discuss medications. You've indicated you're kind of medicine sensitive, so it might take a couple of tries to get the meds right. There are a lot of them out there ... some will be great for you, some not. And they don't work overnight.

But start with talking.

Also, make sure you are paying close attention to yourself, your regular patterns ... are you sleeping about the same as always? Or have you had some dramatic changes ... sleeping all the time or not at all? Changes in your appetite with unintentional loss or gain of weight? Problems with your concentration? And are you noticing that stuff you really liked to do doesn't seem as much fun anymore?

Oh, and I know you didn't say anything ... but thoughts about killing yourself or urges to cut or burn yourself should be treated like a big neon sign flashing Go get help
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