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Old 01-05-2005, 07:18 AM   #13
Hoodoo Guru
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 301
Originally Posted by garnet
I believe that's a joke about some sort of mathematical or physics theory, no? Nobody gets it, dude.
Not a theory - just math - any time you plot something on a grid, it can be refered to in 2 ways...

X and Y - which is what most people thing of - That's called "Cartesian coordinates"


an angle, and the distance from 0 - called a Polar Coordinates

Now you can fairly easily convert from one to the other, and converting from one to the other is called a "Transform" - hence you can convert Polar to Cartesian, or Cartesian to Polar any time you want - same thing, different way of talking about it

Call it a high brow math joke
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