Thread: Good and bad
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Old 01-24-2001, 09:38 PM   #2
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 12,486

In my 25 years on this planet, I've lived in St. Louis and Washington, DC, & have spent large amounts of time in Chicago and Baltimore. I moved here to Philadelphia about 4 months ago. So far, it has been a great experience.

There are certainly some things that I don't like--Mayor Street allowing firefighters with hepatitis C to suffer, expensive parking in Center City, the lack of a more extensive subway, and (as just about EVERYONE agrees) the wage tax (particularly if you live outside the city and work in the city).

But the pluses far outweigh the minuses--much lower cost of living (compared to most large cities; and certainly compared to DC); history (obviously); a rebirth in Center City (and the city as a whole); world-class universities, great places to eat; the city is easy to get around (be it the el, the subway, or by bus); South Street; and lastly, the people here are rather cordial by city standards. Something that completely shocked me the first time I was up here.

The only place I've liked as much as I like Philly is Chicago. And while I love the midwest, I love being close to the ocean and the proximity of so many places so close to here. Not to mention, lake effect snow sucks...badly.
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