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Old 12-27-2004, 09:40 PM   #420
The Eternal
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Chicago Suburbs, IL
Posts: 57
The music is said to be a Christmas carol backwards... I'm trying to get my hands on a copy of the reversed audio so I can hear for myself. They're taking apart the video at the TINP forums ( so I suggest you all check that out for more information.

Also, if you're having trouble opening the video, the video will work with Winamp and the audio will work with the DivX player. I haven't found anything yet that will play it all togather.

The hand/heart picture is on . When clicking on the picture, it takes you to , instead of closing the window.
I'm pretty sure it's always done that...

erm... just a suggestion, but... maybe show people HOW we get the users and passes, and how the prompts and everything leads us to them, instead of just giving them away? I used this site to get to /5/ in 1 day, and I am regretting it, and starting over because you have to get the feel of the site and how it works in order to be of any use trying to solve /5/ or /6/...
If you want to learn how to do everything, go to
I don't have the patience nor the time to explain everything, as all my efforts are going towards explaining the unexplained. Unless someone made another thread about it the explanations would just be in the middle of everything.
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