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Old 12-14-2004, 05:21 PM   #1
Yay! We're Dooomed!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Mostly: New York. Most Recently: New Jersey. Currently: Colorado
Posts: 214
Thumbs up Colorado Springs, CO

There used to be an entry for Colorado Springs on the old boards, wasn't there? I don't like seeing that frowny-face thing on West Hartford, so I'm putting this one up for the Springs:

I've only been here just over a year, so this is no native opinion. . . but the mountains are really, truly beautiful to behold -- and handy, too! It takes a lot to get lost around here - See the mountain? That's West. Easy.

Some evenings, after sunset and when it's just dark enough to call it 'night', the sky looks so very velvety blue and sparkling with stars; the mountains have become pitch, abyss-black and a blanket of shining city-lights shimmer at their base.... truly amazing.

It's sprawled out quite a lot and there's no tall buildings that create a true 'City' atmosphere, so in my mind it's more 'good-sized town' than an actual city.

The winter doesn't seem as harsh as in my native New York, nor is the summer nearly as humid and sticky. There's been motorcycles rumbling by on a nice day in December, so I get to call my mother and brag how I'm outside with no jacket on and am quite comfortable. Granted, it's not like that most of the time, but those few days are very precious to me. Very. Precious.

There's just enough entertainment that you can find something to do if you've a mind to, and though you have to go up to Denver for actual culture as far as I can tell, there's little gems around here and there.

What else? The people are friendlier than in NY (shocker, eh?) but it's a little discomforting to me, as a native New Yorker. I got a new Safeway card using an unpronounceable last name so they would stop being familiar with me. That was very unsettling to me. If I want you to call me by name, I'll introduce myself, thankyouverymuch. ("thank you, Ms. .... *pause*... Do you need any help with your bags??"

So, yeah. The Springs have got me ready to settle in one place... for a little while at least.
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