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Old 12-06-2004, 03:00 PM   #199
Posts: n/a
I am going to post the following because upon reflection, I think it very relevant to everything that has been going down here. I had been after Flippant to join the Cellar for quite sometime because I thought she'd find the discussions here interesting (HAH!). One day she was over at my place and I got her to take a look around here and join. From time to time she'll come over and use my computer to post things here. Once I'd forgotten she'd been on and sat down and posted a reply to something that Lookout had said and the reply showed up under her name. I apologized to both her and Lookout for this mistake.

LJ jumped on this error and apparently down in one of the image forums he accused me and Flippant of being the same person. I don't visit those forums much, but Flippant does, and she was really irritated. I never even bothered to look for LJ's post myself. Then a while back UT took to calling us MariFlip, which annoyed both of us.

Flippant decided to create a persona to post under who would have no sympathy for me and be as different from herself as possible. She figured that this way she could make the occasional comment without being attacked by LJ for being me in disguise hence "Atropos."

Space case that I am, I forgot that Atropos had been over here posting, so I posted my message above under her name. I feel very badly that due to my spacyness, I let Flippant's little joke out. She was simply as fed up of being attacked by LJ and subjected to his nutty accusations as I am.

Now, I have no control over Flippant's actions and she may decide to add her own comments here when she finally reads through this or she may not. I am not her, so I don't know what her response will be.

For anyone who cares, I post on the bosque as Archimedes, having made plain to all that in the Cellar I'm Marichiko. Sometimes I'm Buddha. On other sites you may see me as Manitoumulegirl. Got that straight LJ?
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