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Old 11-29-2004, 01:41 PM   #28
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by jinx
I know the long version... or the one flippant emailed my husband all about when he was kicking your wheelchair anyway.
I get it that you feel that thru no fault of your own you were significantly damaged and now are entitled to all sorts of things. Good luck with that.
This is the final time I will respond to a post by either you or your husband. Your opinions have no interest for me. I find many of the comments that both of you make to be childish, mean-spirited, and ignorant. You embarass only yourself with your ill-informed replies, and your husband embarasses himself by his spiteful and childish displays of anger against certain people on this board.

My dear, you don't "get" ANYTHING and you know nothing of me or what informs my actions or what really happened in my life. Your judgements have a certain amusement factor to me and nothing more.

Flippant shared the PM she sent to your husband with me and I thought it was very kind of her to stand up for a friend. She told a bit about her part in our shared story. She told very little of mine.

Now you may both reply as you see fit (or not), but all future posts by either of you will be met by me with the response they deserve. None.

I feel no further need to justify or explain myself to either of you. I have far better things to do with my time.
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