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Old 11-29-2004, 10:19 AM   #8
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by jinx
Mmmyeah, that's exactly what I said.
No, obviously (as in why would you need input on this, it's a no-brainer) I think you should apply for the job and do whatever you can to get the job, qualified or not. I do however question whether your "experience" is a "qualification" and I'm wondering why you worded it that way.
Here's exactly what you said: "Qualifier? How does poisoning yourself qualify you for this job?
Do you mean that your sob story might trump the fact that you don't have the 3 years experience they are looking for?"

According to you I am someone who "poisoned myself" and expect to go around telling "sob stories" about this in order to obtain jobs that I am unqualified for. You really expected me to give a serious reply to a question worded the way yours was?

The short version of the furnace incident is that my CO detector was malfunctioning and I did not know it, and my ex-step father was the one who serviced the furnace, and at the time I thought he knew what he was doing. If you want to call that "poisoning myself," that's your perogative. The long version of the furnace incident IS a sob story which I'm not interested in relating here.

The job is working for a non-profit group which seeks to help the homeless. My qualifier is not that I suffered from chronic CO poisoning, but the fact that my resulting ill health prevented me from working and I ended up homeless myself. I know what it is to experience homelessness. I feel deeply about the issue. I have done a great deal of research on the subject on my own, especially when it comes to funding programs to help the homeless find shelter. My first hand experience makes me a very dedicated advocate on behalf of the homeless. Now, do you get it?
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