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Old 11-29-2004, 09:49 AM   #24
Come on, cat.
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Originally Posted by marichiko
You're right, Jinx. Think I'll just loll around on welfare at your expense. Maybe do a little creative writing, move back down to God's country in Durango, smoke a lot of weed, and find myself a sexy cowboy to hang out with. No point for someone like me to try to do anything. :p
Mmmyeah, that's exactly what I said.
No, obviously (as in why would you need input on this, it's a no-brainer) I think you should apply for the job and do whatever you can to get the job, qualified or not. I do however question whether your "experience" is a "qualification" and I'm wondering why you worded it that way.
Crying won't help you, praying won't do you no good.
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