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Old 11-28-2004, 12:52 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
Well, LJ, aside, thanks to everyone else for your encouragement and suggestions. Clodfobble, I think that's an excellent idea to discuss my other qualifications in the first part of my cover letter and then introduce my CO expereience as the final qualifier while down playing the neurological aspect.

Even if I don't get this particular job, it has given me a more concrete goal to work toward. "I wanna do something with my writing" is pretty vague, now I have something specific. The stupid hospital FINALLY has the results of my neuropsych eval for me - it's only been since August that the tests were finished. The wait on the results has delayed me getting into the voc-rehab program, because they won't do anything for me until they see the results. So, next week I'm going to trot down there with my paperwork and see what they can do for me, as well. Who knows? Maybe they'll send me to some journalism courses up at CU so that I have some recent credentials to show future employers. Meanwhile, I'm still going to apply for the grant writing job. It doesn't hurt to try, and like Garnet said, it will help to get me back into a mind set where I'm looking for REAL work again.
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