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Old 11-27-2004, 09:53 PM   #2
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Originally Posted by marichiko
Do you all think my application might have a chance of being considered or am I nuts to even think of trying?
This sounds like the perfect job for you and I sincerely hope that you get it, or it leads to something as good.

In my opinion as someone that doesnt really know how things work in that particular area, it's the reason for a gap in employment that might be hard to overcome. From what you have described here, it doesnt sound like it would kill your chances outright. It may also be of some value to the decision maker that you have made huge gains to recovery.

I've been away from design for 3 years now and am interviewing here and there. They ask what I've been doing the last couple of years and I tell them "taking advantage of the downturn by getting another degree, working with other modeling type software in preparation for getting back into the market." That may very well be the reason I am not working right now, but it doesnt seem to phase the interviewer.

Demonstrating the required skills doesn't hurt either.

So, should you pursue this? Yes. But I would do what you can to actually see them. Tell your story, sell yourself.

That's what I'd do, for what it's worth.

Good luck Mari.
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