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Old 11-24-2004, 11:17 PM   #71
Vivacious Vivisectionist
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 36
Probably put ice in it to, don't you, you philistine!
I put ice in my milk. I just try and drink it faster than it melts...same with the scotch.

The water is only to soften the blow. Once a few go down, the stuff tastes like candy, and the water is ordered on the side.

lookout123, I agree with pretty much everything you said. The 'brainwasing' is just 'heavy training'. That story showed how useful it is for maintaining discipline under intense circumstances. I know the vast majority of soldiers, like regular people, are not psychopaths. I would argue there is a <i>slightly</i> larger percentage, however, and that the percentage increases given one's exposure to war. It also makes for a number of <i>extremely steady</I> people too, and probably a good bit more of those that on the other end of the spectrum. To shift gears wildly, I'd say that Palestine is a good example of a breeding ground for psychopaths and heroes. Israel, to some extent, is the same, but with wealth comes class and the actions look different.

Anyway, thanks for a good conversation. I just noticed the IOTD rss feed, so will probably be around more often. Nice to meet ya'll.

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