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Old 11-23-2004, 01:27 PM   #34
lobber of scimitars
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Phila Burbs
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Originally Posted by DanaC
Well.......given that there are states in America where juveniles can be sentenced to death I dont really think you have a leg to stand on on that one Onyx. How many teenagers have Georgia and Texas sentenced to die in the last ten years?
22 juveniles have been executed since 1973. 227 have been sentenced in that period. 133 of those sentences have been either reversed of commuted.

Most of these "juveniles" were 17 years old. I strongly reccomend reading the listings describing the very adult crimes these legal "children" committed. These include multiple murder, rape and murder, robbery and murder. The list starts on page 24 of the linked .pdf document.

It's a very adult list. And a 17 year old can be held criminally responsible for their actions. The juvenile court system in the United States is typically set up to deal with petty crimes, and the kid's record is expunged at age 18, and the newly minted adult released from juvenile incarceration. (In some jurisdictions I think you can be held in a juvie facility up to age 21. The US has some confusion over what legally constitutes and "adult."

It's not clearly detailed in this brief study report but a lot of the crimes described are probably also drug-related.
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