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Old 11-19-2004, 11:14 AM   #28
Strong Silent Type
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Posts: 1,949
I'll share my super-secret fondue recipe, it's (almost) always served me well.

2 or 3 different kinds of good, firm, melting cheeses, shredded and tossed (very) lightly with cornstarch. How much? I dunno. A bunch.
Beer, wine, or whatever. Hard liquor, tasty in it's own right, probably isn't well suited to this. You'll want about 12 ounces and I only know this because most beer is sold in bottles that size.
Seasoning. This can be what's in the spice rack, maybe some mustard or hot sauce. Whatever.

Slowly heat the booze, at maybe medium heat. Once it's heated up a bit, start adding the cheese a bit at a time and making sure what you've added has completely melted before adding more. Keep adding until you like the consistency. It helps to have chunks of bread handy to test it. Repeatedly.

I think what I like about fondue is that it's one of few cases in which the process is almost more important to the end result than the ingredients.
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