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Old 05-09-2001, 09:50 AM   #29
High Propagandist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 115
gentlemen, gentlemen! surely we can agree that there are other things worth measuring in a vehicle besides the relative power of its engine. cars must provide power to the wheels but they must also do so much more. they must, for example, stop once in a while. they must turn. and their front passenger space must provide adequate room for oral sex.

maybe hp/l is an adequate measure of similarly sized engines. i would venture to guess that the mentioned stang 5.0L and its 215 hp is downright cruddy and laughable next to the BMW M5, whose 4.9L engine produces 394 hp. (that's 80hp/l in a massively sized engine which i'm sure is a major feat)

i get to make the point since i started the damn thread and you people changed the subject. although i am a big fan of the BMW and a Ford-basher in general, there are times when i'd rather have the stang. granted most of those times are when i want a POS car to park on south st. but money is an object to the engineers as well.

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