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Old 11-05-2004, 10:09 AM   #15
neither here nor there
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 179
Originally Posted by jaguar
Titor came to my mind too, with this kind of mandate there is a far chance america really will get the government it deserves, Shrubs comment to hacks along the lines of "we're gonna have some fun" gave me shivers. On the upside he'll be so busy giving US debt to friends and family the deficit should help slowly strangle the US and history will write off another little empire gone to seed.
Yeah there is a good chance this is going to happen.. the only problem is that the world economy is totally tied to the US dollar because oil is priced and paid for in dollars that if the US were to hit another great depression, the world would go too. There is no escaping the coming collapse.

I am quite convinced by the Peak oil theory and think that the world is going soon to be faced with some difficult choices that will make the stupid "war on terror" seem irrelevent..Bush in office means few constructive things can happen in this area for at least the next 4 years and yet strangely enought I am more at peace now...why?

While there was hope I was more agitated, I would be checking endlessly to see if there was any possibility that news would break and what implication it could have on the US election I feel free of that. I don't hold any hope now of world leaders achieving anything regarding renewable energy AIDS or Poverty, as anyone who was encouraged by exit polls on Nov 2 can tell you, there is nothing worse then false hope and I am glad it is gone.
I now must put my hope into things local, my family my community..I find it odd that it took Bush's reelection to make me come to such an obvious conclusion.
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