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Old 11-03-2004, 02:12 PM   #9
dar512 is now Pete Zicato
Join Date: May 2003
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Originally Posted by jaguar
On planes it's grounds for justifiable homocide.
While I too want to throttle people who have kids and then don't pay any attention to them, kids (at least little kids) on planes is a whole other thing.

We flew a lot with our kids when they were little. We lived in Seattle and the grandparents lived in St. Louis. It's a 4.5 hour flight.

The problem is that kids are susceptible to changes in air pressure as much as adults -- maybe more so. But you can't tell babies how to clear their ears. They can't chew gum. Once you've given them tylenol, there's not a whole lot more that you can do. Their ears hurt. You can comfort them, but they're going to cry.

Now if the kid is seven and annoying everyone within ten seats, I consider it a gift to your fellow passengers to bind and gag the brat.
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