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Old 10-30-2004, 09:22 AM   #11
Hoodoo Guru
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Mechanicsburg PA
Posts: 296
Forgot to comment on the picture. It is great - shows everything. Was the cancer due to shots? I have read about a higher rate of cancer in cats that have had lots of shots. How great that Bosley recovered so well.
I had a cat one time that came in the front door and collapsed. We put him in a blanketed box under a table where he lay unmoving, refusing food and drink. On the fifth day, he got up and resumed his normal life like nothing had ever happened. Later we discovered that he had become deaf, and I thiink he was hit by a car that he couldn't hear approaching.

That same cat went through a period where he seemed listless, lacking in energy, and slept a lot. I took him to my father's house in New Hampshire where I was going to spend Christmas, fearing he might go into a decline and die if I left him alone for a week. My father had a youngish cat which my cat quickly realized he could dominate and terrorize pretty easily. This meant the same cat who had laid around sleeping most of the day was never seen asleep during the entire week. He returned home and resumed his normal indoor-outdoor life style. I think he had gone deaf and become fearful. Realizing that he could dominate my father's cat gave him a new lease on life!
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