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Old 10-29-2004, 07:34 PM   #18
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by wolf
Under your logic, bathtubs should be banned, Mari, as more children die in them than from "gun violence."

Friends who saw Bush in Wilkes Barre report that he said that although he had stated he would sign the AWB renewal if it came across his desk, he knew it wasn't going to come across his desk.

You may believe that, or you may choose not to. It's not up to you.
BUSH: I did think we ought to extend the assault weapons ban and was told the bill was never going to move. I believe law-abiding citizens ought to be able to own a gun. I believe in background checks. The best way to protect our citizens from guns is to prosecute those who commit crimes with guns.

What makes you think I'm in favor of gun control, anyhow? I thought I posted here somewhere or other than I'm a firm believer in weapons, even assault guns, for every citizen. Maybe that was some other board, if so, I'm posting it here now. A criminal, by definition, is going to get his hands on illegal weapons, regardless. Law abiding citizens need all the munitions they can possibly gather to protect themselves from Homeland Security forces. Six year olds need to concentrate on passing the first grade and playing with their toy ships and rubber duckies in the bath tub. In Western Colorado, deer kill more people than terrorists, criminals, and bath tubs combined. Maybe we should put up wanted posters of Bambi in the post offices. I'm sorry, I'm having a logic short circuit, so I'll shut up now.
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