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Old 10-26-2004, 09:17 AM   #245
Ordained Minister
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 2
When Jim felt something firm under his feet the poor beast's legs trembled so much that he could hardly stand; but Zeb at once leaped out of the buggy to the roof, and he was so awkward and hasty that he kicked over Dorothy's bird-cage, which rolled out upon the roof so that the bottom came off. At once a pink kitten crept out of the upset cage, sat down upon the glass roof, and yawned and blinked its round eyes.

"Oh," said Dorothy. "There's Eureka."

"First time I ever saw a pink cat," said Zeb.

"Eureka isn't pink; she's white. It's this queer light that gives her that color."

"Where's my milk?" asked the kitten, looking up into Dorothy's face. "I'm 'most starved to death."

"Oh, Eureka! Can you talk?"

"Talk! Am I talking? Good gracious, I believe I am. Isn't it funny?" asked the kitten.

"It's all wrong." said Zeb, gravely. "Animals ought not to talk.

L. Frank Baum
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

Going along the lines of Yuki's Bird. It may be nothing, but I figured it was worth a post.

Also I thought it might be interesting to note that "I have no mouth and I must scream" was not only a book, but was also made into an old DOS game back in '95 I believe.

It's essentially about a computer being in the future that controls the world. All that's left of humanity is a few people, each of which have their vices like vanity and such, which are exploited in what seems to be their own personal hell by this mechanized satan.

I used to play that on my old DOS machine, along with Zakk McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders.

Also, the dummy head is a robot, essentially. It's called the K-Bot, and it was made by a man named David Hanson.

"The head's got 24 servomotors, he says, covering the major muscles in the human face. It's got digital cameras in its eyes, to watch the people watching it, and new software will soon let the head mimic viewers. Its name is K-Bot, and it's modeled after Kristen Nelson, his lab assistant."

I'm not sure whether or not that has yet been covered.

Hello, by the way.

Last edited by thisismynicknam; 10-26-2004 at 09:36 AM.
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