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Old 10-21-2004, 11:40 AM   #4
still eats dirt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 3,031
...and there's another terrorist attack, the country will be incensed due to the fact that GW Bush got us to that point.

I actually don't know if this would be the case. Bush and his administration thrive on fear because he has successfully provided what the public thinks are solutions to the terrorist problem. Mind you, I think they're all illusions, but think back to when the country was worried about remote controlled airplanes loaded with explosives and everyone had an emergency kit that contained duct tape and plastic sheeting cut to the size of a designated safe room. At that time the public was, overall, ready to give up any of their civil liberties in exchange for protection from terrorists and everyone was shouting that in times of emergency we should all stand, as Americans, behind our president and not question authority.

My thoughts some months ago was that there would be two things that would secure Bush's election as president of this country: Osama bin Laden being captured or a terrorist attack (either real or imagined). Irrational fears instilled in the masses through silly warnings of potential terror and sensational media alerts did wonders to cloud everyone's reason and blind them to the actions of the administration. An actual attack, I think, would have everyone "singing jingo-bells" all over again and we'd see more images on television of scared caucasian children holding little American flags while being cradled in John Ashcroft's protective, manly arms. A failure to react on the part of the president would, again, be another shining moment.

Don't put your "terrorist hunting permit" or "never forget" stickers away yet, people.
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