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Old 10-10-2004, 10:19 PM   #26
Colonist Extraordinaire
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: SW VA
Posts: 200
I resent you calling what I did to get off opiates "behaving like a junkie". It was the least junkie thing I did for years. I realize that in your line of work you are looking at the situation with a completely different perspective and indeed a completely different reality than the one I have known. Buying 20 mg. a day of methadone for $20 seemed to me a more intelligent decision than picking up a bottle of 1200 mg. for $13. It kept my price high and my quantity low, thereby decreasing my use. And there were absolutely no false pretenses involved in my receiving a prescription from the doctor - he knew the entire story. As far as doctors not being able to prescribe it, I have no idea what the law is, but I do know that he is the one who writes the methadone scripts for the inmates at two local jails. I know he didn't indicate in my records that he was treating me for pain, he indicated it was for addiction, because he had to turn over a copy of my file after we had a car accident and the insurance wanted to settle with us.

Isn't EVERYONE in AA a "dry drunk"? Why would they be there otherwise? Or do you just mean the ones who are bound to relapse because they don't have an affiliation with a "program"? I have a real problem with AA and many 12-step programs. Not everyone has the same needs. Not everyone sees themselves as "powerless" and in need of help from a Higher Power. I read some statistics the other day at my mother-in-law's house in a nursing magazine (she's an RN) about AA and other ways of dealing with addictions, like secular treatments and just going cold turkey. The numbers are all basically the same. I object to the herd mentality of AA, and the sentiment that people can't handle addiction of their own. Obviously not everyone can. Obviously 12-step programs don't work for everyone either, else we wouldn't have junkies and drunks at all. If AA or NA works for some people, that's great. Deciding to quit and taking the necessary steps FOR ME to do so is what it took for me. Your mileage may vary, naturally.
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