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Old 10-04-2004, 04:59 PM   #9
Antagonistic Antagonist
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 21
Originally Posted by Brianna
You can't just starve the guy. His body will rebel and he won't lose any weight. A nutritionalist gave me the whole story on how this works, and it's complicated (or, was for me but no matter how fat you are you need to eat a little something to keep your electrolytes balanced (sodium, potassium, etc.)
Yeah. The human body has what is essentially a "famine mode". If you have a sudden, drastic decrease in caloric intake, your body will respond by slowing the metabolism and converting as much as possible to fat (long term calorie and water storage). That's why sudden-starvation diets cause your weight to yo-yo or increase, and rarely cause weight loss. It is best to decrease your calories over a week or two. Then, your metabolism doesn't slow down and you don't create fat reserves.
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