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Old 09-27-2004, 07:26 PM   #7
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 10

Beachings or strandings as people in the industry call them have happened since before recorded time. There is no evidence it is more prevolent now than ever before and only heresay and questionable motives tie it to shipping.

It is true that certain frequency sonar does though and that frequency corresponds directly with the shockwaves created by an earthquake on the ocean floor though the range is miniscule in comparison.

Here is a well written article that discusses strandings and likely causes.
Seaquakes yielding the equivalent of 1-kiloton are common in the backyard of whales -- about 10,000 magnitude 3.5 or greater events occur every year somewhere along the thousands of kilometers of mid-oceanic ridges where oceanic toothed whales and dolphins reside. In fact, in support of this theory, only the species that live in these seismically active waters mass strand themselves consistently.
Solo strandings such as this one may just be the result of an unintelligent creature making a poor decision when chasing prey too deep or ascending too fast.

Blaming man for any and all unexplained tragic natural phenomena is bunk. I'm sure it's possible to find someone to blame those 10,000 earthquakes on man also.
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