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Old 09-24-2004, 04:23 PM   #14
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 657
Originally Posted by case
As for the people that are irritated with my child's misbehavior and find it in their place to judge my methods of discipline, they just have to deal.
While it sounds like you're doing all the right things, I have to disagree with the statement above. I'm childless by choice--and gloriously happy about it. I don't think anyone else should have to suffer because of some kid's bad behavior, whether or not the parent has control of the situation. I've seen meals and a few weddings ruined by screaming children. I'm not saying it's the kid's or the parent's fault--afterall, kids will be kids. I just don't think you should subject other people to it unless there's absolutely no other way around it. Having kids is a choice in every sense of the word. If your choice is to have kids, great--but don't make others "deal" with your choice.
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