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Old 03-20-2002, 11:44 AM   #15
Posts: n/a

MSNBC's article has been edited heavily, and it now says shit about "all extracurricular activities". GG, MSNBC. Oh well.

Well, it sure doesn't change the fact that you can opt out of the drug tests by opting out of extracurricular activities. It may not be a pleasant choice to make. Shit, it might not even be fair. Unfortunately, fair is a made up word. It doesn't apply in this world. Nothing's fair. Life is tough. Sometimes you're forced to make tough choices.

I would have loved to have coasted through my first 20 years and had everything my way. I would love to never have to make concessions to get something I want - like parting with my money to build that new computer, or getting a credit card (and therefore throwing away some privacy) so that eventually I can have enough credit to get a car and a house and that sort of thing. But I made those concessions because life is too short to sit around smugly being "right". Yeah, drug tests are a pain in the ass. You don't want to take it? Fine. Don't take it. If you're in the Chess Club and they come to you and say they want you to take a drug test, then quit the club and tell them to go fuck themselves. That's a decision for you to make. Just don't sit there and bitch about how it's not fair or it's unconstitutional. There is no right to a Chess Club.

Even if drugs are legalized, there will still be drug tests. SAIC still won't want to hire heroin addicts of cokeheads. Schools still won't want their star basketball players to end up like Len Bias.

You can sit there, unemployed, and be right. You have exercised your power to <b>choose</b>. That's your choice.
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