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Old 09-13-2004, 01:49 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by iamthewalrus109
In reference to this controversy, ie. the 60 minutes II debacle, the talk of forgery only helps the Bush camp legitimize his service even more. With the prospect of these documents being fakes, it takes away from the fact that he skipped service in Vietnam. Now it makes him look almost vindicated if these documents turn out to be forgeries. No matter that the Maj. General in charge of the unit at the time said he at least filled the minimum of his duties at the time in question, that in and of itself is an indictment of his service. He was given a cushy assignment during a standing draft, and still did the least he could do, and we're not even sure of that. The point stands, his daddy got him in someplace that would keep him out of harm's way, and an honorable discharge means nothing, if the possiblity exisits that patronage, and favortism played a part in the writing of these reports. Concocting, poorly created forgeries is a foolish move, if in fact they are forgeries, it's a point for Bush, if not two. I regret to say that with only a small number of weeks remaning in this election, the major issues, barring fear, have been left to the wayside, and we as voters, bloggers, and Americans are also to blame.
Let us fight to discuss that which ails this great land.

Well said, Walrus, and I could not agree with you more. We have two facts: Kerry served in the active duty military and went to Vietnam. Bush took the rich boy's out and hid out in the National Guard for the duration. These are the two things we should be looking at when considering the character of the two men. Our nation faces many difficult issues. These are what we should be discussing, not some trivial details about type fonts.
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