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Old 09-09-2004, 11:51 PM   #131
Joe Faux
Pithy Euphemist
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 19
After some careful thought, two songs come to mind:

"Copa Cabana" by Barry Manilow

"Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl..."

"Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice

"Take heed, 'caese I'm a lyrical poet..."

Oddly enough "Ice Ice Baby" was sampled from one of my favorite songs.

"Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie

I ran a DJ company when "Ice Ice Baby" was released and it killed nightly to play this shit on the big speakers to a roomful of screaming girls. Sometimes I'd slip "Under Pressure" into the mix just to watch the crowd turn on me. I never had the time to explain the song was a rip off...
- Joe Faux
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