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Old 09-09-2004, 06:31 AM   #43
stalking a Tom
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
I want what she's smoking. Oh never mind, I have to go back to the real world.
The 'real world' you speak of is everything you recognise with your senses. I am not advocating moving away from this reality - trying to pretend the trees don't exist or you don't have to go back to work. In fact, the opposite is true. The more you are aware of reality, of now, whether that may be the hot cup of coffee you're holding or the rising anger at the way your boss just spoke to you - all these things are real, and the worst thing to do would be to try to 'rise above it', detach or disassociate yourself. This kind of 'spirituality' I have no time for. All I am saying is to recognise truth - the boss, the coffee cup, and understand it is just a form. It does not have any relevance to 'yourself'. Instead of relating events to your personalised sense of self, try to see them as part of a much greater living 'whole'.

Lets say you are attracted to someone and they are not interested. You will view their rejection as self-defining - either by entering a brief depression/insecurity to strengthen the idea of yourself as useless and unattractive, or taking it on the shoulders and not really minding to strengthen the idea of yourself as nonchalant and carefree. Either way you use the event to define yourself. Instead, see the event for what it is, see yourself perpetuating these patterns, and enjoy the new form that is emerging. I sometimes find this hard to explain, yet it is so simple.

Originally Posted by alphageek31337
We're all part of this big, bumbling organism, being left alone to experience the societal evuivalent of adolescence all alone. If we, as a species, can remove the barrier of ego that seperates us from each other, we'll be much better off.
You understand, I think.

Originally Posted by marichiko
Cat, you seem to be asking about what makes up the essence of the human soul.
No. I am saying the 'human soul' is truth. That will become clear once you live within it.

Originally Posted by marichiko
We create our lives right now in the present because that is all the time we will ever have.
Yes, that is the point. All we have is now. In now you will find the answer to every question you have ever asked.
I've decided I'm not going to have a signature anymore.
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