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Old 08-31-2004, 10:41 PM   #1
The White Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 233
Triplets of Belleville

I have finally found the perfect movie, or one of them. The Triplets of Belleville. The great thing about this movie is that, while it is a French movie, its an 80 minute film filled with animation, sounds, but only two english words at the very end. Besides at the end, NO DIALOGUE OR MONOLOGUE OR CONVERSATION throughout the ENTIRE movie. Meanwhile, the story is exceptional. Some of what I said above is a bit of a lie, there is SOME talk, but its all in French and it does not impair the comprehension of the story at all. There are several times when you hear an announcer talk in French, but what he says is just describing a race, and then, a few scenes of French singing. I hope I didn't give anything away, but this movie MUST BE VIEWED by anyone who enjoys films. Whether or not you like animation, you will LOVE this. It does have references to crude humor such as snot, guns, and breasts, but none of which are explicit, so this is basically a family friendly picture. Minimal violence, minimal sex, NO PROFANITY. The only other warning besides the references is its an incredibly STRANGE movie. But strange in a spectacular way. The last thing is that its a very funny movie, except completely subtle. Bottom line, SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!
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