Thread: haiku II
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Old 08-26-2004, 02:34 PM   #28
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 523
One from the archives:

"Well done, my little
collegiate hamsters.
Get your fresh breath pill."

During freshman orientation, I had to sit through some craptastic lecture on "making the most of college" or "how to make good choices" or something in that vein. Either way, Mentos was one of the sponsors, and the speaker handed out packs of the stuff to people in the crowd who would answer questions/participate in the presentation. I decided to sit back and switch between napping and writing sarcastic haiku.

Now that I look back, it's not so much that I "had" to go, but that it was humid as hell, and it was either sit in my room and dehydrate from sweating or endure the dog-and-pony show for the sake of some air conditioning. I think I made the right call.
Like the wise man said: Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
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