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Old 08-25-2004, 01:16 PM   #29
lobber of scimitars
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Phila Burbs
Posts: 20,774
Outside of high school, the only time that I have taken a photography "class" was at a local adult school, and that was primarily to get access to the B&W darkroom (which was the same one I'd learned on in high school, so I could already find my way around in the dark when I was loading film on reels to develop). The (now defunct) adult school offered several "how to take better pictures" classes that were a pre-req for the Darkroom Photography class that I ended up taking ... but I knew the guy who was teaching the Darkroom class (he was an industrial arts teacher at my high school) and he wrote me an override to skip the "for dummies" point and shoot sections. What ultimately happened is that they should have been paying me co-instructor fees because there were several students in the class that were bewildered by things like contact sheets and test-strips, so I was half doing my own work and half helping out.
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