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Old 03-12-2002, 10:41 PM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2001
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I don't think we'd nuke the Palestinians anyway. They attack Israel every day and we don't do shit.
...................ohhh don't get me started on this BULLSHIT right now, I read two daily papers, 3 weeklies, and I’m really, really, really getting sick of this pile of bullshit line. TO be succinct the fucking butcher is quoted as "the Palestinians must be hit, and it must be very painful" "we must cause them losses, victims, so they feel a heavy price". Then "we will not negotiate unless there is total peace for seven days" What kind of bullshit is that? But noo, that’s not enough, why don’t we tell them they have to round up the ‘extremists’, then kill their police so they cannot even attempt to do it, after that, well bomb arafat’s office so he can’t operate effectively too. That will work really well……..
If my country was occupied, and troops came though every now and then, rounded up every male, murdered people and ripped holes in my house I’d take up a gun and try and kill as many of the motherfuckers as I could too. God fucking damn I wish they'd kill Arafat so that the international condemnation it caused got rid of Sharon, if anyone should be strung up, it’s him.

Rant on……
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